Privacy Policy

Effective as from 27 February 2020

At ISL Online, we respect the privacy of our website visitors and users who use our products and services. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to keep our activities related to the processing of your personal data as transparent as possible, and to give you control over your own personal information. We will always strive to collect and process your personal data in a fair way and to keep it secure andconfidential.

Download Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions
  3. Controller and Processors
  4. Consent and Limits to Use
  5. Children
  6. Data Protection
  7. Website Visitors
  8. Registration
  9. Notifications and Newsletter
  10. Product Use
  11. Text Messages
  12. Billing
  13. Customer Support
  14. Cookies
  15. Third Party Content
  16. Managed Private Cloud
  17. Self-Hosted Solution
  18. Anonymization and Pseudonymization
  19. Previous Product Versions
  20. Your Rights
  21. Contact Us
  22. Updating Privacy Policy

Download Privacy Policy